Our 30th Anniversary Run – May update

The IJ Navigational Drive: Please review or get acquainted with the event rules and regulations (add link). A briefing will take place on October 20th in addition to a pre-dinner recap each evening to ensure that all Jobbers are fully prepared. We will also explain in detail how to follow the tulip design instructions within the Road Book, which will be handed to teams at registration. As you know the Road Book will be your only reference during the navigational event. The use of Sat Navs is not permitted.
The IJ BADGE: The badge will secure admittance to all places we will visit during the event and also ensure a swift check-in at the hotels. To prepare your badge we need to receive a passport size photo of yourself and one of your co-driver. Please clearly write the name of the person in the photo on the the back of the photo and send them to us by post. Or if you’re emailing them please clearly specify who is who by naming your attachments by teh person in the photo. Please email to gsg@italianjob.com Please send these at your earliest convenience. Jobbers who took part in 2017 and 2018 run do not need to send as we have their photos on file.
Awards and Trophies Do you know that in addition to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Most Sponsorship Award, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd Navigational Drive Winners we will also present an award to the Furthest Travelled Team, Oldest Mini and the Golden Dipstick Award (which is presented by the Service Crew). Our ‘Italian Job Facebook Page’ followers will decide the last 2 awards which are the Best dressed ‘CAR’ on the Job and the Jobber Photographer of the year.
Sponsorship: Are you competing for the ‘Match £ for £’ of the total sponsorship raised by your team? You will find the details of this unique matching scheme on page FOUR of the Jobbers Guide to fundraising. On page 8 of the same Guide there is useful information on how to get press coverage and assistance in contacting local Media. Please email gsg@italianjob.com should you like to receive another copy of the Guide.
Your Car: When offering local companies advertising space on your car remember to mention the additional advertising benefits you are offering; the length of time during which your car will remain signed and of course the ‘support your local community’ aspect as Buttle UK, a national children’s charity, are able to ensure that the money raised by your team will be spent locally. In the past teams have sold their bonnet for over £500 or divided the roof in small squares selling each square for £50/100! You can sell all available space but please remember to keep both doors totally free for the official event door logos.
Payment reminder Your second deposit of £ 800 ( per team ) is due by June 1st – Please pay by BACS to Lloyds Bank Italian Job Account 01921155 Sort Code 30-98-74 and remember to quote your team number. Balance of all costs is due by August 1st and we will send in July a Travel and Accommodation form reconfirming all costs & extras you may have requested.