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Diary from the #IJ2023 – Day 15

Thursday 19th October – The final push and another 6 hour plus drive from Dijon to Calais.

The final leg of the Italian Job 2023 from Dijon to Calais started with full beam issues for Andy and Steve in Team 55. In double quick time the problem was fixed (open bonnet bypass surgery was called for) and all cars had left the hotel en route to Nord Pas de Calais.

Ahead was another long drive and for the first time in two weeks we encountered awful weather in the form of heavy rain.

I’m writing this closing post from the passenger seat with Kenjay Savvy driving and strangely muttering to himself (but it’s been a long fortnight so I assume it’s all catching up with him). We’ve nearly emptied the fourth pack of Werther’s and there are but a few pieces of Ken’s mums rice crispie cake remaining too.

All in all after a break of three years I’m pleased to say I think this Italian Job was a goodie. We did so many wonderful things and have created some truly marvelous memories. On this drive back to Calais I can see that firm friendships have also been formed and from experience we know these friendships endure (Karen, Peter, Martin, Fiona, John, Jo, Paul and Wendy).

I do hope you’ve enjoyed reading abut our antics these past few days. I know what we’re doing with the Italian Job isn’t life changing stuff and the difference we make is small. But it is making a difference and it is having a positive impact on the lives of many families who rely on Buttle UK to make things in their lives a little bit easier.

A huge thank you to everyone involved with the #IJ2023 for making it special.

Signing out now.




Italian Job
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